Civil War amongst Ontario's Doctors?
[soundcloud id='277258795'] Ontario's 42, 000 doctors have been without a contract for two years. On July 11, the Ontario Medical Association reached a tentative agreement with the Ministry of Health, which will be voted on by MDs on August 14. However, not all physicians are happy with the deal.
A group of 3,000 doctors signed a petition to call a Special General Meeting to hold the ratification vote rather than conduct an online and telephone poll as the OMA usually does. Another group of doctors took their own association to court, arguing it was trying to force a "yes" vote.
On August 7, I invited Dr. Virginia Walley, president of the OMA and Dr. David Jacobs, spokesman for the Concerned Doctors of Ontario coalition, onto my Newstalk1010 show to explain their opposing viewpoints on the tentative agreement.