Mark Geragos: Snapchat too sexy?
[soundcloud id='273057930'] Do you know what Snapchat is? It's a $16 billion social media application company and I'll guarantee your kids are probably on it – more than 150 million people use it every day. It's the most popular social media app among kids under 18. I knew that.
I didn't know, though, that Snapchat pushes sexualized content to users. Today's article from Cosmopolitan magazine on Snapchat: "Everything that happens to your vagina as you get older." Other recent articles on Snapchat include "People share their secret rules for sex," and "10 things he thinks when he can’t make you orgasm."
Mark Geragos – a Los Angeles based lawyer whose past clients include Michael Jackson, Chris Brown and convicted murderer Scott Pederson – filed a class action lawsuit against Snapchat on Thursday. He joined us live.