Your not believable Mark. Every medical professional who speaks on the nightly newscasts talks about this balance. Many of them in fact highly question the views of Dr. David Williams and Doug Ford. You are right about politicians not managing the crisis though. As you said that’s not because they are only managing it in relation to what might keep them in power. As PHU are an arm of the government they tow the line between science and the government pressure to keep the economy open. It’s obviously designed to nudge the peanut forward appeasing all sides while they pray for a vaccine bailout. They’ve abdicated all responsibilities to strained PHUs because they’ve got them where they want them. It’s the perfect embedded spin.
Your not believable Mark. Every medical professional who speaks on the nightly newscasts talks about this balance. Many of them in fact highly question the views of Dr. David Williams and Doug Ford. You are right about politicians not managing the crisis though. As you said that’s not because they are only managing it in relation to what might keep them in power. As PHU are an arm of the government they tow the line between science and the government pressure to keep the economy open. It’s obviously designed to nudge the peanut forward appeasing all sides while they pray for a vaccine bailout. They’ve abdicated all responsibilities to strained PHUs because they’ve got them where they want them. It’s the perfect embedded spin.
and the City fired you
zzzzzzzzz no wonder the sun and 1010 fired you